Your best dental implant experience
Welcome to the best Dental Experience
in Costa Rica
For more than 40 years we have cared for patients and transformed their lives through our dental treatments and specialties, the last 15 years we have opened our clinic to patients from all over the world, especially the United States and Europe, hand in hand with the latest technology in implantology and our world-class in-house laboratory ready to give you a new smile and change your quality of life hand in hand with dental aesthetics.
Dental implant services
We are specialists in dental implants, we know about dental implants in Costa Rica, our credentials, theoretical knowledge and support in clinical practice make us one of the best options among dental clinics in Costa Rica. We offer accessible dental implants, we are always studying and innovating. We are a leading dental clinic in implantology in Costa Rica. Ours was the first clinic to work with dental implants in Costa Rica more than 40 years ago, and today we are the only dental clinic that works with immediate one-stage implants and delayed two-stage implants.
Zircon Depot les provee de productos dentales de la mejor calidad a precios competitivos y tenerlos disponibles en el momento que ustedes los necesiten. Desde el 2018, nuestro negocio se ha preocupado por la relacion con nuestros clients. Sabemos que ustedes tienen otras opciones cuando compran productos dentales, asi que nos esmeramos en cuidar nuestra relacion con nuestros clientes. Nuestra promesa es proveer los mejores productos a los mejores precios, y haremos lo necesario para que sigamos siendo su proveedor de preferencia.
At Zircon Depot, we supply the highest quality dental products at competitive pricing, and are there for you when you need us. Since 2018, the cornerstone of our business has been our relationship with our customers. We understand that you have options when it comes to dental suppliers so we will do everything possible to keep your business. We promise to provide you with the best products for the best price, and will do everything to remain your supplier of choice.